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12 de diciembre de 2009 21:09
Para: "Darnaude, Ignacio" <>

When your conditions in life — relation-wise, health-wise, social, financial, location-wise,
or any other — are not as you want them to be, or can possibly enjoy; changing requires
that you first accept and truly appreciate the way things currently are.
You cannot make it different by simply willing and wishing the condition to be different.
You cannot make it go away by wishing and hoping and praying it will go away.
You cannot move from what you dislike to what you love by really hating what you dislike.
You will need a map to take any journey and life is definitely a journey
. . . this is the journey from where you are to who you are.
You must embrace it to change it.

One important reality, one you must fully understand: the conditions you are
currently living in and living with have been your destination up until now.
You have traveled to be here, or else you would not be here.
You have arrived here because you made all the right decisions,
consciously and unconsciously, while traveling the road to here.
You are going to have to enter the belly of 'being here now'
in order to understand nature of where you are.
You must see yourself in this destination . . . this, in order to fully understand where you are. By understanding the nature of where you are,
you will be clearer for traveling the road ahead . . . the road to 'who' you are.
This is the 'who' you desire and love.

The only way you draw a map for this journey is to know where you
exactly are and where you are exactly going.
Like any GPS system, it requires both locations to create the map.
You cannot simply override present locations with emotions and expect
them to transform, or to transport you to the new ones.
This is however the system humanity spends its' life applying . . .
expecting this disturbance to deliver something new.
This is called hating the journey in order to love the destination.
But when life is only a journey — never a destination — this is then a formula for misery.

Lord Buddha discovered that perceiving and accepting the way things are can be
an agonizing experience . . . an agony that leads forward to ecstasy.
Humanity spends its existence and fortune to avoid this agony because
we are highly influenced by the animal nature of our physical bodies.
These animal instincts are programmed to survive by avoiding pain and seeking
pleasure and pleasure is the dance we do when avoiding pain.

To quicken this pathway forward—
give yourself forward by quickly forgiving the mistakes along the way.
To shorten this pathway forward —
release your attachments and preferences along the way and trust
that the universe knows what you want; the universe knows where you are;
the universe knows who you are.
You do not need to reaffirm any of this by attachment or unforgiven guilt.
You simply need to appreciate your position —
appreciate your destination —
draw the map between them both and navigate the road.

Everything imaginable, everything dream-able is a milestone,
a marker on the pathway of this journey.
Even your loftiest desires are part of the vision forward.
The laws of an extraordinary existence: perceive and accept what is . . .
believe in and accept what can be . . .
consciously draw a map between the two . . .
trust the steps you take with your wishes, your prayers, hopes and dreams
and follow this path from your vision to its reality . . .
from dream to fulfillment.

The next evolution — the one which we are now pioneering —
will need to accept some pain along the path —
bypass pleasure as an avoidance —
arrive at happiness as the guide in order to live in fulfillment as the experience of life.






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